Arithmetic Statistics - outline and references CMI-HIMR summer school Bristol 24-28 June 2019 John Cremona 1. Introduction and first examples 2. Local and global densities - p-adic densities - real densities 3. Quadratics and quadrics 4. Plane curves - conics - cubics 5. The Ekedahl sieve - an infinite Chinese Remainder Theorem - application to Weierstrass densities References: 1. (JC with Manjul Bhargava, Tom Fisher, Jon Keating, Nick Jones): "What is the probability that a random integral quadratic form in n variables has an integral zero?". Int. Math. Res., 2016:12 (2016). DOI:10.1093/imrn/rnv251. 2. (JC with Manjul Bhargava and Tom Fisher): "The proportion of plane cubic curves over Q that everywhere locally have a point". International Journal of Number Theory, Vol.12, No.4} (2016). DOI: 10.1142/S1793042116500664. 3. (JC with Mohammad Sadek) "Densities for elliptic curves", in preparation. 4. Bjorn Poonen and J.-F. Voloch, "The Cassels-Tate pairing on polarized abelian varieties", Ann. of Math. (2), vol.150 no.3 (1999), pp.1109--1149. 5. Bjorn Poonen and Michael Stoll, "A local-global principle for densities", in "Topics in number theory (University Park, PA, 1997)", Kluwer 1999. Math. Appl. vol 467, pp.241-244. 6. Torsten Ekedahl, "An infinite version of the Chinese remainder theorem", Comment. Math. Univ. St. Paul., vol.40 no.1 (1991), pp.53--59.